The Eucharist (Communion)
The Holy Eucharist, which is known as the Divine Liturgy, is the central and most important worship experience of the Orthodox Church. Often referred to as the "Sacrament of Sacraments", it is the Church's celebration of the Death and Resurrection of Christ offered every Sunday and Holy day. All the other Sacraments of the Church lead toward and flow from the Eucharist, which is at the center of the life of the Church. During the Divine Liturgy, bread and wine are offered to Christ on the Holy Altar. We ask the Holy Spirit to come down and change these gifts into the very Body and Blood of Jesus Christ of which we them partake. It is important to note that Orthodox Christians believe it IS the Body and Blood of Christ, not just symbolic. We also believe that it remains bread and wine. Just as God became man, never losing His Divinity so that He remained fully God and fully man, the Eucharist is both Christ's Body and Blood, as well as bread and wine. He sanctifies matter and by partaking of these Holy Gifts, we are sanctified. It must also be noted that Holy Communion or the Eucharist is reserved only for those who have been Chrismated in Orthodox Christian Church.
Offerings for Divine Liturgy:
If you would like to bring Prosphora to be used for Divine Liturgy please bring it during the week before, or no later than 8:30am on the Sunday in which you would like it to be used. Feel free to include names of both the living and dead to be commemorated in the preparations (Proskomide) of the Holy Gifts.
If you would like to bring Wine, it needs to be a sweet red, preferably Nama. If you cannot find it or would like to donate toward it, you may donate $20 for communion wine to the Church.
The Holy Eucharist, which is known as the Divine Liturgy, is the central and most important worship experience of the Orthodox Church. Often referred to as the "Sacrament of Sacraments", it is the Church's celebration of the Death and Resurrection of Christ offered every Sunday and Holy day. All the other Sacraments of the Church lead toward and flow from the Eucharist, which is at the center of the life of the Church. During the Divine Liturgy, bread and wine are offered to Christ on the Holy Altar. We ask the Holy Spirit to come down and change these gifts into the very Body and Blood of Jesus Christ of which we them partake. It is important to note that Orthodox Christians believe it IS the Body and Blood of Christ, not just symbolic. We also believe that it remains bread and wine. Just as God became man, never losing His Divinity so that He remained fully God and fully man, the Eucharist is both Christ's Body and Blood, as well as bread and wine. He sanctifies matter and by partaking of these Holy Gifts, we are sanctified. It must also be noted that Holy Communion or the Eucharist is reserved only for those who have been Chrismated in Orthodox Christian Church.
Offerings for Divine Liturgy:
If you would like to bring Prosphora to be used for Divine Liturgy please bring it during the week before, or no later than 8:30am on the Sunday in which you would like it to be used. Feel free to include names of both the living and dead to be commemorated in the preparations (Proskomide) of the Holy Gifts.
If you would like to bring Wine, it needs to be a sweet red, preferably Nama. If you cannot find it or would like to donate toward it, you may donate $20 for communion wine to the Church.