The generosity of our donors of the St George Mission Fund has enabled us to award up to $4,500 in scholarship funds for 2023. The St George Scholarship Program offers financial support to qualified high school students in any academic discipline or trade school. The scholarship award can be used for educational use, tuition and/or books.
Click the fillable form below for digital applications or pick up a hard copy in the Narthex paper applications.
Deadline is April 7, 2024.
Any questions, please call Steven Goff, St George Scholarship Committee member: 248-672-7794.
The generosity of our donors of the St George Mission Fund has enabled us to award up to $4,500 in scholarship funds for 2023. The St George Scholarship Program offers financial support to qualified high school students in any academic discipline or trade school. The scholarship award can be used for educational use, tuition and/or books.
Click the fillable form below for digital applications or pick up a hard copy in the Narthex paper applications.
Deadline is April 7, 2024.
Any questions, please call Steven Goff, St George Scholarship Committee member: 248-672-7794.

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